Things to Do

Philosophy Workshop: Aristotle on Friendship

QUICK OVERVIEW In this evening’s discussion program, we’ll explore some of the core concepts in Aristotle’s account of friendship. We’ll consider why one might pursue friendship, the role of ethical […]

Bobcat was abducted by aliens at Lewis and Clark Brewing, Helena MT with Kyle Kulseth comedy

Bobcat, the awe inspiring one-man band is a captivating force in the world of music and entertainment. Currently on a 2-year tour of the Continental US, he’s playing in every […]

Guardians of the Grind Rail Jam

Kick off the winter season with a street party in downtown Helena featuring The Guardians of the Grind Rail Jam. Fifty winter athletes will showcase their skills on features set-up […]

Opening Reception for "Inside the Pause" by Heidi Marie Faessel

Through this body of work, I invite viewers to reflect on their own experiences during the pandemic and to consider the ways in which we are all interconnected. By transforming […]

Ho Ho Holter 2024 Art Show and Holiday Sale!

Ho-Ho-Holter is a longstanding Holter and Community tradition, kicking off the holiday season with intention to buy local, buy handmade this holiday season! This annual show and sale features handmade […]

Glow Alley

Spooky Carnival • Tunnel of Doom • Fun Games • Photo Booth • Candy

How Did We Get Here?: The Ghost in the Machine

Until roughly the 16th century, nearly everyone in Western Europe — from common farmers and laborers, to highly educated scholars and clerics — took for granted that they lived in […]

Reading & Discussion Series: Jewish Environmental Wisdom

This reading & discussion series will be guided by the following central question: What wisdom might Jewish traditions offer for our current environmental crises? Philosophy, as the love of wisdom, […]

Women's Activism in Montana: The Progressive Era

This lecture will explore the women organizers like Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, who worked to improve their communities and shape Montana politics and history. The lecture is offered to match the […]

Back to School Bash

Join Helena Indian Alliance and PureView Health Center for their annual Back to School Bash! This year it is in JFK Park in East Helena and there will be tons […]