A fun community philosophy gathering exploring some paradigm shifts on planet earth….and aliens! Featuring guest scholar Stephen Maly, our night will involve a combination of presentation and Q & A and conversation.
For the first part of our gathering, we’ll explore diverse ways of perceiving our worldly existence through a series of slides, images, quotes, sound bites, and narrative. The featured paradigms (perceptual models) will be laden with both scientific and emotional considerations, to prompt philosophical reflection.
After observing a sequence of these shifting paradigms & examining why and how intelligent aliens might seek to intervene in human affairs, we’ll dive into a fun conversation sparked by the group’s collective imagination.
Lights snacks provided. BYOB. 6:30pm-8:30pm in the Reeder’s Alley Conference Center. FREE (donations always appreciated). Learn more & RSVP here: https://merlinccc.org/event/philosophy-talk-paradigms-earth/