Exploring the statement, “Montana Inspires Story”, the Montana Writers Rodeo will host four leading presenters knowledgeable about how the state of Montana inspires story in plays, novels, screenwriting and filmmaking. Hosted by MPN President Pamela Mencher and MPN Treasurer Pearl Allen, and co-directed by Christa Chiriaco and Mindy Peltier, the Montana Writers Rodeo will take place at the Helena Avenue Theatre at 1319 Helena Avenue. This engaging conference encourages writers of all genres and across the state of Montana to gather for inspiration, story education, author readings and networking.
The dates of the conference are October 20-21, 2023. For complete conference information, go to ww.montanaplaywrights.org. For more information, call or text: 406-235-0353.
Join us to hear Allison Whitmer (Montana Film Commissioner), Jay Kettering (playwright), Angela Breidenbach (novelist) and Barbara Schiffman (screenwriter/consultant) present on STORY in Montana!