Opens Sept 23, 24 & Sept 30, Oct 1 (maybe a 3rd weekend…stay tuned)

Fall is coming! And what better way to celebrate than at JOHNSON’S PUMPKIN PATCH!

Two weekends (maybe more if we still have pumpkins) of FUN and PUMPKIN PICKING!! Come make special memories with friends and family while picking the perfect pumpkin…or PUMPKINS at our annual JOHNSON’S PUMPKIN PATCH! 5935 McHugh (corner of Sierra and McHugh) Helena, MT. HOURS: 12N-5PM.

Come see what’s new this year! We have lots of fun activities for all…corn maze, fun Halloween photo ops, games, a GIANT PUMPKIN bounce house (Free with the purchase of a pumpkin), haunted greenhouse, and playhouse, fish pond, and lots of cool Halloween decorations! Not to mention lots of YUMMY baked goods from our very own

Cinnamon Ghost Bakery, Homemade Caramel Apples (

fresh from our orchard).

Hotdogs, chips, and soda, too!

Cash & Checks Only

Restroom available


Bring a wagon if you have one

Our Produce Market will continue to be open EVERYDAY