Margie’s Vintage
Margie’s Vintage
112 E Sixth Avenue

Time: Monday-Tuesday Closed Wednesday-Sunday 11AM to 6PM

More than ever shoppers are looking for sustainable choices when shopping. Margie's Vintage is a new place to find quality furniture, lighting, decor, clothing, vinyl records and more. A beautiful shopping experience featuring five local vendors who are passionate about bringing vintage items that fit all budgets. Specializing in mid-century modern (1950s-1970s) furniture. This era of furniture design is timeless and replicated by modern furniture manufactures. Today you won't find the same quality as true mid-century furniture. Not only are you typically spending less, the pieces are not newly manufactured making the choice to buy vintage sustainable. This goes for clothing and most everything else in our shop too.

Another valuable aspect of our shop is that we find all ages, backgrounds

