Halloween themed scavenger hunt and obstacle course. Scavenger Hunt: A scavenger hunt will traverse the fairgrounds with stops at historic locations. A poker chip will be collected at each location and turned into a poker hand at the end of the ride. Obstacle Course: A Halloween themed obstacle course will be set up on the west arena. A poker chip will be collected for each obstacle attempted and turned into a poker hand. Prizes will be given out for: Best horse costume, best rider costume, best horse and rider combo costume, best poker hand from scavenger hunt, worst poker hand from scavenger hunt, best poker hand from obstacle course, and worst poker hand from obstacle course. (No monetary prizes). Signups start at 10a and the obstacle course opens at 11a. The first scavenger hunt trail group will start at 12p and at 5 minute intervals thereafter with the last group going at 1:30p. Cost is $5 per person for the Scavenger Hunt and $5 per person for the Obstacle Course. Horses are welcome to be lead through the scavenger hunt and the obstacle course. Refreshments will be provided at the Helena Trail Riders Club House. Event is weather dependent so stay tuned to the Helena Trail Riders Facebook page for updates and more information.