Enjoy a day of listening to music, eating, drinking…and eating some more at the Helena Kiwanis Club fundraiser, HKC Family Music & Food Fest. Some of Montana’s finest musicians and food trucks will gather on Saturday, August 26th at Memorial Park in Helena, MT. Music lineup includes: Max Hay, The Teccas, Counting Coup and John Roberts y Pan Blanco. Drinks will be poured by the Helena Exchange Club.
There will be a food truck contest (with prizes!!) for “Best Food” judged by local chefs or restaurateurs as well as a “Peoples Choice” voted on by attendees at the event.
All proceeds will support our service projects such as Head Start Christmas Gifts, PAL High School Mentoring, Youth Service Clubs – Circle K at Carroll College & Key Clubs at local high schools, and encouraging local 4th & 5th grade students to excel in school.
Join forces with Helena Kiwanis to bring this exciting event to the Helena Community. Together, our mission of improving the lives of area youth will be accomplished.